A cup of coffee made by a professional barista in the WM Cafeteria is reborn in the beautiful outdoor terrace of the Hot Place WM cafeteria.
The WM cafeteria plays a role as a business incubation that takes place from the field practice to the sale of products, which takes advantage of students' major in food & nutrition, hotel tourism, Food service culinary and they discover creative items, sell them through the practice. Through this, we are creating a best-of-breed educational environment by implementing a virtuous circle business model by not only generating profits, but also extracting income sources other than tuition fees and improving the financial soundness of universities.
- 01Learn the skills that a professional barista needs to cultivate
- 02Acquiring field theory on marketing and management
- 03Incubating of development and sales of creative menu
- 04Enhance local economy and university’s self-reliance
WM Cafeteria Field Practice Process
Development of business start-up competency of Students' on-the-job training and LTM training system- Food Service
Culinary - Food and
Nutrition - Hotel and
- ·Professional Field Practice
- ·Creative menu development
and marketing - ·Maximizing the capacity
to get a job and start business
Field Practice
WM카페테리아 메뉴 소개
Coffee | Latte | Ade | Juice | Flatccino | |||||
에스프레소 | 2,400 | 초코라떼 | 3,600 | 자몽에이드 | 3,700 | 바나나주스 | 3,700 | 에스프레소치노 | 4,700 |
아메리카노 | 2,400 | 화이트초코라떼 | 3,600 | 블루레몬에이드 | 3,700 | 블루베리주스 | 3,700 | 자바칩플랫치노 | 4,700 |
헤이즐넛아메리카노 | 2,700 | 민트초코라떼 | 3,600 | 애플민트에이드 | 3,700 | 베리베리주스 | 3,700 | 더블초코치노 | 4,700 |
카페라떼 | 3,200 | 녹차라떼 | 3,600 | 피치에이드 | 3,700 | 애플망고주스 | 3,900 | 민트초코치노 | 4,700 |
카푸치노 | 3,200 | 고구마라떼 | 3,600 | 블루베리에이드 | 3,700 | 딸기주스 | 4,200 | 쿠키앤치노 | 4,700 |
커피스노우 | 3,400 | 밀크티라떼 | 3,600 | 오렌지에이드 | 3,700 | 키위주스 | 4,200 | 녹차치노 | 4,700 |
헤이즐넛라떼 | 3,400 | 헤이즐넛초코라떼 | 3,700 | 복숭아아이스티 | 3,200 | 플레인요거트 | 4,700 | ||
바닐라라떼 | 3,400 | 레몬아이스티 | 3,200 | 딸기요거트 | 4,700 | ||||
카라멜마끼아또 | 3,600 | 블루베리요거트 | 4,700 | ||||||
카페모카 | 3,600 | 라즈베리요거트 | 4,700 | ||||||
연유라떼 | 3,600 | 망고요거트 | 4,700 | ||||||
WM 스페셜커피 | 4,000 | ||||||||
아포카토 | 4,200 | ||||||||
Tea | Ice | ||||||||
캐모마일 | 3,700 | Ice + | 200 | ||||||
페퍼민트 | 3,700 | ||||||||
로즈마리 | 3,700 | ||||||||
라벤더 | 3,700 | ||||||||
자스민 | 3,700 | ||||||||
루이보스 | 3,700 | ||||||||
얼그레이 | 3,700 | ||||||||
아쌈 | 3,700 | ||||||||
다즐링 | 3,700 | ||||||||
꿀자몽 | 3,700 | ||||||||
꿀유자 | 3,700 | ||||||||
꿀생강 | 3,700 |
영업시간(월~금). 학기중 09:00~19:00 방학중 09:00~17:00063.840.1039063.840.1030
전북 익산시 익산대로 460 원광보건대학교 원광테크노마켓 2층