‘Wonkwang, Make into One ‧ To the World ‧ To the F
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‘Wonkwang, Make into One ‧ To theWorld ‧ To the Future!’Wonkwang Academyconducted volunteer activities in MongoliaWonkwang University,Wonkwang Health Science University, Wonkwang Digital University, Wonkwang UniversityHospital・Dental Hospital・OrientalHospital Volunteer medical service for 4,000 peoplein Mongolia WonkwangAcademy (Chairman Shin Soon-cheol), a school corporation, has been involved involunteer activities in Genghis Khan's country Mongolia as part of the'Humanitarian Relief Project'. Theinstitute's volunteer activities for the Mongolian Union were first carried outas part of the commemoration project of the 100th anniversary of Won Buddhismand the 70th anniversary of Wonkwang Academy last year, and it was conductedfor the second time this year by the Mongolian government's continuous request.From June 26to July 1, Wonkwang Academy dispatched about 70 united volunteers of WonkwangUniversity, Wonkwang Health Science University, Wonkwang Digital University tothe National Railroad Hospital in Ulan Bator, Mongolia. Unitedvolunteers of Wonkwang Academy provided 4,000 patients during the four-dayservice period, including dental medicine and oriental medicine treatment, aswell as medical services including internal medicine, pediatrics, dermatology,ophthalmology, urology and obstetrics and gynecology.Especially,for the severely ill patients, the united volunteers conducted the surgerydirectly with the Mongolian medical staff and conducted health and healthcareservices such as eyeglass manufacturing and beauty (scalp, hair, nails). In order toget medical treatment, the local response to the united volunteers was so hotthat the traffic was paralyzed every day from the dawn of the day, and theywere introduced throughout Mongolia through various TVs and newspapers.Head of the unitedvolunteers, Mo Chan-won (Wonkwang Academy Corporation) and professor Seo Il-yeong(Wonkwang University Hospital) said "Mongolia and our institute have beenclosely cooperating with each other since the government participated in the Korea-Mongoliaproject. We plan to continue to carry out this large-scale medical service,which started last year, to contribute to the promotion of friendship betweenthe two countries beyond the level of civilian exchanges.” In addition torailway hospitals, Wonkwang University Hospital maintains cooperative relationswith hospitals such as Mongolia's No. 1 Hospital, No. 2 Hospital, NationalCancer Center, Maternal and Child Health Centers, and Trauma Centers. Mongoliahas been contributing to improving the medical level of Mongolia by promotingthe medical personnel training project in Mongolia.Professor SeoIl-yeong received the Honorary Doctorate from the Mongolian Academy of MedicalSciences for the first time in Korea in 2014. WonkwangHealth Science University (President Kim In-jong), who has played a major rolein the planning of the joint service activities and the linkage with the localinstitutions, has been participating in the Wonkwang Academy of Korea since2011 through an MOU with the Mongolian National Medical Research Institute,Mongol Railway Hospital, Mongolia has been involved in the establishment of aninternational cooperation network. In 2015, the Ministry of Health and Welfareopened a joint department of Mongolian ACH Medical University in Mongolia todevelop medical technology manpower and public development assistance project(ODA, Official Development Assistance). In accordancewith this, Wonkwang Academy will provide a wide range of educational andwelfare services as well as medical fields. Through its cooperation withgovernments, public institutions and universities around the world will play aleading role in building a cooperative education model.